Empowerment Society
<p style="text-align: justify;">Empowerment Society was published by Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Widya Gama Lumajang since February 2018. Empowerment Society published scientific articles with the results of community service. Empowerment Society is published twice a year in February and August. Empowerment Society also uses the lockss system to ensure safe and permanent records for journals.</p>Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Widya Gama Lumajangen-USEmpowerment Society2614-1027Application of Management Information System to Strengthen Community Livestock Business of Goat and Sheep Farmers
<p>Sheep and goat farming is one of the superior livestock products of Malang Regency. This goat and sheep farming business is a livestock business carried out by breeders in 12 villages in Wagir District, Malang Regency as the main supporter of starting a goat and sheep center. Farmers still do not have historical livestock data so it may be difficult to trace livestock history. Therefore, it is necessary to record data using the application of a digital management information system. The method used in this service activity is a participatory action and learning system approach which includes Focus Group Discussion (FGD), training and direct practice, mentoring and field monitoring of the results of the transfer of livestock management information system technology in 12 villages. Community service activities have been running very well and successfully with the support and cooperation of all partners and breeders in Wagir District and Malang Regency. This good cooperation needs to be maintained and further improved. The results of the activity showed a significant increase in awareness, knowledge and skills of sheep and goat breeders in using livestock management information systems to strengthen community livestock business management.</p>Enike Dwi KusumawatiAkhmad Zaini ZainiEndi Sarwoko SarwokoAli Mahmud MahmudKinta Ramayanti RamayantiEstri Pamungkasih PamungkasihRahmadina Fitria Ristanti RistantiIftita Yustitia Arini AriniDiva Cahyo Pradana PradanaMuchammad Fachthurrohman FachthurrohmanFarhan Ashari AshariStephanus Herin Pinastico PinasticoHaydar Wafiq Nugke
Copyright (c) 2024 Enike Dwi Kusumawati Kusumawati, Akhmad Zaini; Endi Sarwoko; Ali Mahmud, Kinta Ramayanti, Estri Pamungkasih, Rahmadina Fitria Ristanti, Iftita Yustitia Arini, Diva Cahyo Pradana, Muchammad Fachthurrohman, Farhan Ashari, Stephanus Herin Pinastico, Haydar Wafiq Nugke
2024-08-292024-08-2972758410.30741/eps.v7i2.1323Environmentally Friendly Educational Innovation Tool To Recognize Numbers from Inorganic Waste
<p>Inorganic waste is a significant environmental problem due to population growth and rapid industrial development. The ever-increasing volume of inorganic waste demands effective solutions for its management. One way to reduce the negative impact of inorganic waste is to recycle it into useful items. In Lumajang Regency, there is an urgent need for learning facilities for early childhood children which are still inadequate. For this reason, innovation in the form of educational teaching aids (APE) from recycled inorganic waste materials has been developed. This APE not only helps overcome environmental problems but also provides practical solutions to improve the quality of children's education. This program aims to increase children's creativity, support educational facilities and infrastructure, and create interactive and fun learning. The methods used in implementing the program involve socialization, trials of making APE, training for teachers, mentoring, and monitoring activities. The results show that partners (teachers) are able to operate and apply educational game tools in learning, thus having a positive impact on children's cognitive and motor development.</p> <p><em>Keywords : Inorganic Waste, Environmental Problems, Recycling, Educational Teaching Aids, Early Childhood Education, Interactive Learning.</em></p>Melinda Yulia AgathaAinun NajibPretty Aura Natasya AvandaLafifatul LatifahSelvia Roos Ana
Copyright (c) 2024 Melinda Yulia Agatha, Ainun Najib, Pretty Aura Natasya Avanda, Lafifatul Latifah, Selvia Roos Ana
2024-08-292024-08-2972929710.30741/eps.v7i2.1324Empowering the Bayu Segara Fishermen's Group through Digital Marketing: Enhancing Product Visibility and Sales in a Competitive Marketplace
<p>With a premium, halal-certified quick Ginger-Turmeric-Temulawak product, the Bayu Segara fishermen's organization has great difficulty growing their company. Important problems include underutilization of the potential of the product, poor digital expertise, limited manual marketing efforts, and limited promotional reach via WhatsApp. A thorough session covering digital marketing strategies—including social media management, online marketplace optimization, and content creation—was held on July 28 to help to solve these problems. Product photos done to improve e-commerce display before the training. The session gave attendees useful knowledge in social media account management, online store setup, and content creation. Practical experience helped them to use these abilities straight-forwardly, thereby enhancing their efforts at digital marketing. The findings show that product exposure, market reach, and sales should be much improved by the increased digital presence and marketing competencies. In a cutthroat digital market, this strategy offers the firm a viable road for corporate expansion.</p>Ahmad Iskandar RahmansyahJoni HendraDwi Iryaning HandayaniSiti MasluhaNadia Putri WidianitaMohammad HadiyantoRohmad Fauzi
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Iskandar Rahmansyah, Joni Hendra, Dwi Iryaning Handayani, Siti Masluha, Nadia Putri Widianita, Mohammad Hadiyanto, Rohmad Fauzi
2024-08-292024-08-29729810610.30741/eps.v7i2.1346Implementation of Ciprat Batik Training for Disabled Peoples as Economic Empowerment Efforts
<p>There is a very dreadful problem with unemployment, especially in an educated person. The availability of sufficient jobs does not match the high number of employees. Such conditions need to be remedied in order not to increase unemployment. In addition to the growing number of graduates, a lack of initiative to open one's jobs or become entrepreneurs also played a role. The aims and goals are to understand how to learn entrepreneurship in an entrepreneurial program that can transform disabled people's attitude into effective business people with a higher education curriculum. This method uses a qualitative and intense approach, namely, to provide entrepreneurial and mentoring education to disabled people through teachers, practitioners, and all parties involved. This service is carried out by the facts and properties of the object systematically, factually, and accurately. The result of this community service activity is the training in Kampung Idiot Ponorogo of the mentality of the people with disabilities. Thus, it is necessary to have a format or a road map in the idiot village of Ponorogo to achieve the efficiency of the ciprat batik learning program.</p>Rahmawati RahmawatiRochmat Aldy PurnomoM RudiantoEndang Dwi Amperawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmawati, Rochmat Aldy Purnomo, M Rudianto, Endang Dwi Amperawati
2024-08-292024-08-2972677410.30741/eps.v7i2.1357Elaboration of the Independent Waste in the Circular Economy Based on Disapu Application
<p>Purworejo Village is one of the villages in Senduro District, Lumajang Regency, East Java Province. The village is facing significant waste management problems, most villagers are still lagging behind in environmental management, especially in waste management which still applies the KAB (Collect - Transport - Dump) pattern. This Community Service Program aims to invite the community to apply the 3R pattern (reduce, reuse, recycle) in processing household waste and educate the community with the support of technology developed based on web apps as an educational media and to overcome these problems. With the hope of increasing public awareness of the importance of managing waste, facilitating the waste sorting process, and encouraging the use of organic waste into liquid organic fertilizer and animal feed. The results of this community service are the formation of an application called Digital Sampah Purworejo (DISAPU) as an effective digital waste bank management media in organizing waste collection, increasing the economic value of waste, and the Independent Waste Community (MAMARISA) program receiving support. The implementation methods used in this community service are problem identification, solution formulation and program planning, training and mentoring, monitoring and evaluation of program sustainability.</p>Hasyim AsyariMohammad Dzul Arsyl MajidMuhamad Farizqi SaifullahAyu Titi Hapsari
Copyright (c) 2024 Hasyim Asyari, Mohammad Dzul Arsyl Majid, Muhamad Farizqi Saifullah, Ayu Titi Hapsari
2024-08-292024-08-297210711410.30741/eps.v7i2.1358Development Of Digital Marketing, Natural Dyeing, And Heating Machine Utilisation At Putri Kawung Bayat SMEs
<p>This community service activity in Putri Kawung KUBE, Jarum Village, Bayat District, Klaten Regency aimed to enhance environmentally friendly production processes, IT-based marketing, institutional strengthening, and the adoption of appropriate technology to improve the quality of batik products with natural colors. The methods carried out in this service activity include: education about brand awareness and a number of business management skills such as financial management, marketable packaging and promotion; ppractice of environmentally friendly production processes with natural colours mixed with cow bone powder;adoption of TTG heating machines; pstrengthening diversification capacity both diversification of Klaten characteristic motifs and batik derivative products; p quality testing and quality certification of batik marks, especially for natural colour written batik products; TTG on the use of cow bone material in the natural dyeing process in order to improve the quality of anti-fade products ; and p information technology-based business management practices through digital marketing. The result of this activity is the increased knowledge of business actors in Putri Kawung KUBE in order to increase product innovation which in turn can encourage the optimisation of community income and economy in the Bayat area of Klaten Regency.The abstract contains a summary, introduction, problems, methods, results, and conclusions.</p>Rahmawati RahmawatiEndang Dwi AmperawatiDjuminah DjuminahSri HartokoLulus KurniasihSiti Arifah
Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmawati, Endang Dwi Amperawati, Djuminah, Sri Hartoko, Lulus Kurniasih, Siti Arifah
2024-08-292024-08-2972859110.30741/eps.v7i2.1359Transformation of Prison Staff Services towards Sustainable Professionalism and Job Satisfaction Development (Case Study of Class IIA Salemba Prison, Jakarta)
<p>This activity involves cooperation with various parties, including correctional officers, professionals in the field of Education and the Government in this case the Ministry of Education, Research and Technology in the field of Community-Based Empowerment. Through this community service activity, it is expected that correctional officers can improve their capacity and welfare through various professional and personal development programs. This program is designed to support the effectiveness of officers' work and their work-life balance. In this training, it is explained how Service Excellence and Managerial Skills can be carried out. This training was delivered to officers in the service sector totaling 30 people who are ASN Salemba Prison. Participants are 25-33 years old with a Bachelor's degree in Law, Education, Economics and Social. Male participants 60% and female 40%. Among the participants were 2 structural officials. Preparation for the implementation was carried out in two meetings. The first meeting discussed the event rundown, division of tasks for each lecturer, provision of materials and preparation of questions to be asked to participants, availability of supporting equipment to make it easier for Prison 2A officers to listen to presentations from the Perbanas Institute. The second meeting involved the head of the Salemba Class IIA Prison who discussed the revised material and adjusted it to the situation at the Salemba Class IIA Prison. This Community Service Activity was carried out on Thursday, August 22, 2024 face-to-face and the material provided was about how IIA Prison officers provide the best service, improve employee managerial skills, and provide solutions to obstacles and results obtained from the situations discussed previously. The implementation went smoothly according to the predetermined schedule, the speakers delivered their materials according to the prepared concept, namely regarding service excellence and managerial skills.</p>Ignatius Septo PramesworoMarkonah MarkonahHikmah A RTiolina Evi
Copyright (c) 2024
2024-08-292024-08-297211512010.30741/eps.v7i2.1394Implementation of the Waste Bank Application in Realizing the Economic Escalation of the Karangsari Village Community, Lumajang
<p>Karangsari City is one of the cities in Sukodono District, Lumajang Regency, East Java Region. In this city, the population is generally Javanese and works as livestock breeders. Where there are public offices, especially: Welfare, Training, Housing, Banking, Workplaces, Social Dining Places, and Love Places. Waste banks are a container that can overcome problems faced by local areas through a program to utilize dry waste to be arranged and have managers like banks but what is stored is waste. There are many ways that waste bank supervisors in Karangsari City do to change the natural cultivation behavior of the local community. The purpose of this study is to determine the general picture of the efforts made by waste bank managers, including: knowing the implementation, obstacles, and efforts made to overcome obstacles in implementing the application of waste banks in realizing monetary acceleration for the people of Karangsari City, Lumajang. This movement aims to cultivate the mental, sense and social capacity of the local community in living green, perfect and healthy, especially through sterilization of waste management and involving the local community to have the choice to freely follow, then develop welfare and prevent the occurrence of diseases due to poor conditions that are more widespread locally. , families and people: especially those who are busy handling waste. The results of the training carried out in utilizing waste can produce various forms, plastic waste can make light decorations from used plastic jugs and spoons, hijab holders from used water glasses and raffia rope. For the time being, paper, metal and glass waste can be exchanged, glass waste such as soy sauce containers and glasses that can be used as blooming jars, metal waste such as aluminum jars from leftover food and drinks can be reused as window boxes.</p>Emmy ErmawatiMeydia Dwi Anisa
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