: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ekonomi2025-02-18T13:55:47+07:00Selvia Roos Ana, S.E., M.Ak | 082331745620[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Wiga : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ekonomi or Wiga : Economic Sciences Research Journal, covering aspects relating to Economics in both the latest applications and theories, under the auspices of the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Widya Gama Lumajang, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia. Published twice a year, in March and September. <a href="">ISSN 2088-0944 (Print) </a>and <a href="">ISSN 2549-5992 (Online).</a><br /><br />The development of economics currently has a significant impact both in theory, practice, and the latest economic development. Wiga : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ekonomi is intended as a forum for publishing scientific articles in the field of science: Economics, Accounting, Banking, Taxation, Management, Marketing, etc.,<br /><br />Since 2019, "Wiga : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ekonomi", has been registered in the Indonesian Institute of Accountants: Educators' Accountant Compartment. Achievement on "Wiga : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ekonomi" in 2019, at grade 4, Based on the Decree of the Director-General of Research and Technology Strengthening Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 10/E/KPT/2019 valid from Vol. 7 No. 1 (2017) to Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) and at grade 3, Based on the Decree of the Director-General of Research and Technology Strengthening Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 36 / E / KPT / 2019 valid from Vol. 9 No. 2 (2019) to Vol 14. No. 1 (2024)</p> Within Shopping Apps-Mobile Based: Usage Determination Factors2024-09-12T09:24:36+07:00Elsa Yulandri[email protected]Ratih Hurriyati[email protected]Puspo Dewi Dirgantari[email protected]<p>Although Indonesia is recorded as the third-largest country in terms of mobile shopping application installations globally, the level of mobile shopping activity remains low. This study employs a quantitative research design to analyze the roles of personalization, direct marketing, and hedonic value in shaping behavioral intentions and their impact on the usage behavior of mobile shopping applications. Data were collected through a survey using a purposive sampling technique, involving 282 Gen Z respondents in Indonesia. The questionnaire underwent measurement model testing through Outer Loading, Construct Reliability and Validity, and Discriminant Validity to ensure reliable results, followed by hypothesis testing using SEM-PLS data analysis techniques. The analysis reveals that direct marketing, personalization, and hedonic value have a significant direct influence on behavioral intentions, explaining 93.2% of the variance. Additionally, behavioral intention is found to directly affect usage behavior, although this model accounts for only 37.4% of the variance. Most importantly, behavioral intention mediates the influence of direct marketing, personalization, and hedonic value on usage behavior. These findings suggest that personalization, direct marketing, and hedonic value are crucial factors in fostering behavioral intentions among Gen Z in Indonesia, thereby enhancing the usage of mobile shopping applications.</p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Elsa Yulandri, Ratih Hurriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari Popularity: Analyzing the Competition of SVOD Brands in Achieving Preferences and Loyalty of Generation Z2024-09-23T09:54:58+07:00Peter Macnico[email protected]Renny Christiarini[email protected]Lily Purwianti[email protected]<p>This study investigates the impact of brand experience, brand trust, brand image and brand awareness on brand loyalty among Generation Z customers. As competition intensifies in the Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) industry, particularly with Generation Z’s increasing influence, SVOD brands strive to differentiate themselves through distinct logos, enhanced user experiences, and intuitive applications. The research is set in the context of Batam, where 259 Generation Z customers participated in the study via a questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. The questionnaire employed a 5-point Likert scale to measure various brand-related factors. Respondents were selected using purposive sampling. Data analysis was conducted using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results demonstrate that brand experience has a significant positive impact on brand image, brand trust, and brand loyalty. Similarly, brand awareness positively affects both brand image and brand trust. However, brand awareness does not significantly influence brand loyalty, nor does brand trust significantly affect loyalty. Additionally, brand image has no significant impact on brand trust. The findings underscore the pivotal role of brand experience and brand image in fostering loyalty among Generation Z customers, offering valuable insights for SVOD brands aiming to enhance their market position.</p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Peter Macnico, Renny Christiarini, Lily Purwianti Role Of Self-Efficacy In The Influence Of Work Ethic And Total Work On Employee Loyalty2024-09-23T09:37:58+07:00Sutianingsih Sutianingsih[email protected]Salma Rina Karina[email protected]<p>This study aims to analyze the role of self-efficacy in the influence of work ethic and work totality on employee loyalty at a cosmetic store in Pacitan. There are two variables in this study, namely work ethic (X1) and work totality (X2) as independent variables, intervening variables of self-ability (Z), and work loyalty commitment variables (Y). The population in the study were staff or employees who worked at a cosmetic store. This type of research uses quantitative research by distributing questionnaires. The technique used is the saturated sampling technique. The sample of this study was employees of a cosmetic store in Pacitan totaling 55 respondents. The analysis method uses the path analysis method with the SPSS version 29 application. The results of this study found that self-efficacy, work ethic, work totality, work loyalty have a positive and significant direct effect. There is an indirect and insignificant effect between work totality mediated by self-efficacy on work loyalty.</p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sutianingsih, Salma Rina Karina and Consequence of Information Adoption of Sariayu Skincare Prospects2025-02-18T13:55:47+07:00Fauziyyah Ummul Hasanah[email protected]Yadi Ernawadi[email protected]<p>This study's goal is to investigate the potential antecedent and consequential effects of Sariayu face mask information adoption by creating a conceptual model of hypotheses that takes into account a wide range of potential contributing variables. The study explores the variables that influence the credibility and utility of EWOM as well as the reasons why buyers could use it. This survey had 140 participants who are potential customers of Sariayu face masks. The data were obtained using a one-shot or cross-sectional approach. Testing for convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability have all been successfully completed by the instrument. The data analysis method employed in this study was SmartPLS version 3.0 for structural equation modeling, or SEM. Fifteen out of the eight conjectures put up had actual evidence to back them up. Based on the research findings, perceived persuasiveness, eWOM usefulness, and eWOM credibility are all positively impacted by perceived informativeness, and eWOM usefulness positively impacts information adoption. Purchase intention benefits from the uptake of information. In order to establish strategies relevant to enhancing the quality of these features, the study's results are anticipated to be beneficial for future research and assessment management in the beauty industry.</p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fauziyyah Ummul Hasanah, Yadi Ernawadi Price Volatility: An Efficiency Test of The Indonesian Stock Exchange In Semi-Strong Form2024-10-02T08:25:32+07:00Muhammad Mukhsin[email protected]Hari Sukarno[email protected]Hadi Paramui[email protected]<p>An efficient capital market is a concept in which stock prices reflect all available public information. However, the level of market efficiency varies in different countries, including Indonesia. This study aims to test semi-strong market efficiency on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) by analyzing the effect of financial and macroeconomic variables on stock prices. The study population includes all companies listed on the IDX in the 2018-2022 period. The sample was selected using purposive sampling method based on certain criteria namely issuers belonging to the primary and non-primary consumer goods sector, with a total of 174 issuers. Independent variables in this study include CR, DER, ROE, PER, Firm Size, DPR, CSR, inflation, exchange rate, and BI Rate. The dependent variable is stock price. The factor analysis method was used to reduce the independent variables into three factors: financial efficiency, corporate dimensions, and corporate external factors. Multiple regression analysis was then applied to test the effect of these three factors on stock prices. The results showed that financial efficiency factors and external factors did not have a significant influence on stock prices. However, the firm dimension factor is proven to have a significant influence on stock prices.</p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Mukhsin, Hari Sukarno, Hadi Paramui Shariah and its Influence on Accountability of the Mosque2024-10-17T12:33:30+07:00Riza Ramadhan[email protected]<p>The goal of this study is to investigate the impact of Maqashid Shariah, as represented by accountability, which is the act of being truthful and accountable. Accountability can be related to both of Maqashid Shariah's goals: the first, to protect religion, or Hifdz Ad-Din, and the second, to preserve life, or Hifdz An-Nafs. This study explores the impact of mosque congregants' confidence and engagement in relation to mosque accountability. The impact of the mosque accountability variable on the trust and engagement of congregants is analyzed and tested through a quantitative manner in this study. The population's features are described using a combination of path analysis and descriptive analysis, two types of quantitative analysis. Using Path analysis and the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach, the hyphotesis is tested. Congregants of five significant mosques located in the East Java districts of Lumajang, Jember, Situbondo, Bondowoso, and Banyuwangi make up the research population. This study used five large mosques with 125 members each as its unit of analysis. The quota sampling method is employed in the sampling procedure. The analysis's findings indicate that while participation has a considerable impact on members' involvement, accountability has no discernible effect on members' confidence.</p>2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Riza Ramadhan Impact of Microfinance on the Income of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSE) in Indonesia: A Sectoral Analysis2024-09-25T09:44:08+07:00Rendra Wirawan[email protected]<p>This study investigates the impact of various types of microfinance on the income of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. Utilizing data from the 2022 Micro and Small Industry Survey conducted by Statistics Indonesia, the research employs multiple linear regression analysis to assess the effects of cooperative loans, non-bank financial institutions, and People's Business Credit (KUR) on MSME income across different industry sectors. The results reveal that KUR significantly enhances income across various sectors, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving financial performance. In contrast, the impact of cooperative loans and non-bank financial institutions varies by sector, with cooperative loans showing significant effects only in the tobacco processing industry and non-bank financial institutions impacting primarily the textile sector. These findings highlight the importance of selecting appropriate microfinance options tailored to sector-specific needs. The study underscores that strategic microfinance choices can significantly boost MSME competitiveness and operational efficiency in Indonesia.</p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rendra Wirawan Green Human Resource Management Practices and Their Impact on Innovative Culture2024-09-12T08:42:29+07:00Ni Gusti Ayu Kadek Eva Dwipayani[email protected]Gede Sri Darma[email protected]<p>This research tries to examine the practice of GHRM, the factors that support and hinder its implementation, its impact on the company's innovative culture and the benefits it provides to the company itself. This research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding of GHRM practices and their effects. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 10 informants selected based on purposive sampling criteria. The qualitative data were analyzed using NVivo R1 software to identify key themes and patterns. Quantitative data were gathered via a structured questionnaire distributed to 50 respondents, who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. This questionnaire utilized a Likert scale to measure perceptions of GHRM practices and their relationship with innovative culture. The quantitative data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to assess the relationships between GHRM practices and innovative culture. The results of this study indicate that GHRM practices have been implemented at the hotel and also GHRM has had a positive impact on innovative culture, where the innovative culture instilled through GHRM creates an environment where employees are encouraged to think creatively, find new solutions, and support environmental sustainability. While the hypothesis results state that there is a significant positive effect of GHRM on Innovative culture.</p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Gusti Ayu Kadek Eva Dwipayani, Gede Sri Darma Role of Perceived Social Interaction, Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Utility, and Self-Presentation in Mediating Social Presence on Purchase Intention2024-09-12T09:10:20+07:00Rizni Aulia Qadri[email protected]Fitriana Aidnilla Sinambela[email protected]Kenny Marcella[email protected]<p>The focus of the research is to observe and find out the impact that occurs between Perceived Social Interaction, Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Utility, and Self-Presentation with purchase intention with social presence mediation. Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest number of e-commerce transactions in Southeast Asia. As technology develops, features emerge that make buying and selling activities easier. This feature allows sellers to market their goods directly via live video, so consumers only need to follow the seller's live video and buy the goods they need. Data collection techniques in this research include using questionnaires and literature studies. The subjects of this research are customers who make purchases via live broadcasts in Batam. The sampling technique for this research is random sampling. The data analysis method used in this research is quantitative analysis. The objects of this research were 355 samples who had shopped for fashion via live-stream. Sampling was selected randomly. Variables are measured using a Likert scale. The data testing stage starts from outer loading, average variance extracted, composite reliability. cronbach alpha, path coefficient, specific indirect effect, r squared adjusted. From the research conducted, it was found that perceived enjoyment, perceived utility, self-presentation, and social presence have a positive and significant influence on purchase intentions. However, perceptions of social interaction do not influence purchase intentions.</p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rizni Aulia Qadri, Fitriana Aidnilla Sinambela, Kenny Marcella of Worklife Balance, Workload, Job Stress and Employee Performance2024-09-12T08:51:55+07:00Putu Ayu Retnowati[email protected]Gede Sri Darma[email protected]<p>The aim of this study is to analyze the direct influence of work-life balance and workload on work-related stress and employee performance. Furthermore, it seeks to examine the direct impact of job-related stress on employee productivity, as well as the indirect impact of work-life balance and burden on employee productivity through job-related stress. The research was conducted on female employees who have numerous occupations at the Regional Secretariat of Badung Regency. The research population consisted of 275 female employees who hold dual roles within the organization. A sample of 153 participants was selected using the Slovin formula, ensuring a representative distribution for the study. Data were collected through a validated questionnaire utilizing a semantic differential scale ranging from 1 to 10. The research employed a quantitative approach, utilizing using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for data analysis. The stages of testing the research data included: Assessing the validity and reliability of the measurement instruments, Conducting a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to evaluate the measurement model, Performing goodness-of-fit tests to ensure the model's adequacy, and analyzing the structural model to test the hypothesized relationships among the variables. The analytical results demonstrate that work-life balance has a direct and negative effect on workplace stress, while it has a significant and positive effect on employee performance. The level of work assigned has a direct and significant effect on the stress experienced in the job, ultimately leading to a negative impact on performance. Simultaneously, work-related stress has a harmful and significant effect on employees' performance. Work stress does not significantly act as a mediator between work-life balance, workload, and employee performance.</p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Ayu Retnowati, Gede Sri Darma