Author Guideline
Manuscript format
The article should at least consist of these parts: Introduction, Literature Review and Hypothesis Development (only literature review for qualitative research), Research Method, Result and Analysis, Conclusion and Reference. Acknowledgment (if any) should be placed after the Conclusion and before the Reference. The article must be written on A4 paper size with 10pt font size and single spacing. Page margin should 2 cm for all sides (top, bottom, left and right). The article should be written efficiently in approximately 15-20 pages. All pages must be numbered, including reference. Authors are encouraged to use Mendeley's application for citation and referencing. The manuscript must follow the WIGA template of the manuscript. Template for authors can be downloaded Journal Template
Title Manuscript
Title, written in both Indonesian and English. Title in Indonesian should consist of no more than 13 words, while the title in English should consist of no more than 10 words. The name should not bear any title (Dr., Prof., etc). The author's name should be written in a complete mailing address should be provided. Also, please include an e-mail address for the corresponding author.
The abstract comes after the title page in the text. The abstract must be integrated and independent consisting of introduction and objectives, methods, results, conclusions, and suggestions. But the abstract must be written as a single paragraph. References must be avoided. Also, nonstandard or unusual abbreviations should be avoided, but if necessary, abbreviations must be defined in their first mention in the abstract itself. Abstracts must be written using 100 to 200 words that have no references and should also be followed by keywords of 3-5 words.
A brief introduction of the general study should be started (try a maximum of one paragraph). State of the art (a brief review of literature or previous research) to justify a statement of novelty or the significance or new contribution or originality of this article. Try to have a reference article from the journal of the last 10 years that reinforces the justification of originality. Gap analysis or statement of the gap (originality) or novelty (novelty statement) or the unique difference of this study compared to previous studies, also from the important side of whether the research was conducted. Problems and/or hypotheses (if any) and/or research objectives in this article.
Research Methods
The methodology section contains the approach used in producing scientific articles. Specifically for scientific research articles, the methodology section includes research methods, populations and samples, and data analysis steps.
Results And Discussion
(what / how) whether the data presented has been processed (not raw data), stated in tables or figures (choose one), and given information that is easy to understand? Write down the findings or findings, but don't discuss the discussion here;
(why) in the discussion section, there are a link between the results obtained and the basic concepts and/or hypotheses. The discussion made must be supported by real and clear facts.
(What else) is there compatibility or conflict with the results of other people's research? (Therefore, there must be references to other literature, especially literature mentioned in the state of the art of previous research). It may also be written about the implications of research results both theoretical and application.
Describes the research conclusion, limitations of the research, and suggestions for conducting future research.
References are written using the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Valid for references in text, tables, and figures. The article writing process must use a reference manager program (Mendeley, etc.). Updated reference libraries especially those used to justify originality or novelty (last 10 years). Keprimeran reference literature, try at least 80% of the primary literature). If the book form literature should be a primary book (which contains direct research results, not a compilation of other people's research); Books containing theoretical concepts (secondary) may be used as a reference, but try only a maximum of 20%
Table and Figure
Tables and Figures should be given titles and numbers, while the source of table and figure are clearly and explicitly stated. The title of the tables and figure is typed in the center. The title of tables and figures should be written in bold. Sources of tables and figures should be placed under the table and figures, typed from the left margin. The format of the table should only use a horizontal line and omit any vertical lines.
Common Citation Formats in Reference according to APA Style:
Journal article by one author:
Thompson, L. (1990). Negotiation behavior and outcomes: Empirical evidence and theoretical issues. Psychological Bulletin, 108, 515-332. doi:10.1048/9385-0920.58.2.193
Journal article by two authors:
Loesche, L. S., & Tsai, S. D. (1998). More organization, less espresso: Effects of caffeine on manuscript length. Human Behaviour, 5, 1-43. Retrieved from
Journal article, three to seven authors:
Saywitz, K. J., Mannarino, A. P., Berliner, L., & Cohen, J. A. (2000). Treatment for sexually abused children and adolescents. American Psychologist, 55, 1040-1049. doi:10.5497/4578-2587.456.2.548
Journal article, more than seven authors:
Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., . . . Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843-856. Retrieved from
Book chapter (electronic version):
Booth, D. A. (1980). Conditioned reactions in motivation. In F. M. Toates & T. R. Hall (Eds.), Analysis of motivational processes (pp. 77-102). New York: Academic Press. Retrieved from
Note: See APA manual (6th ed.), pages 202-205, for more versions of electronic book sources.
Book (print version):
Toates, F. M. & Hall, T. R. (Eds.). (1980). Analysis of motivational processes. New York: Academic Press.
Note: If more than one city is given for the publisher of a book, name the most convenient city for finding the book (e.g., if Academic Press is published in New York and London, list only New York for an American audience or only London for a European audience).
Newspaper Article
Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Psychiatry handbooks linked to the drug industry. The New York Times. Retrieved from
If you only cite an abstract but the full text of the article is also available, cite the online abstract as any other online citations, adding "[Abstract]" after the article or source name. However, if the full text is not available, you may use an abstract that is available through an abstracts database as a secondary source.
Paterson, P. (2008). How well do young offenders with Asperger Syndrome cope in custody?: Two prison case studies [Abstract]. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 36(1), 54-58.
Data Sets
Point readers to raw data by providing a Web address (use "Retrieved from") or a general place that houses data sets on the site (use "Available from").
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2008). Indiana income limits [Data file]. Retrieved from
Graphic Data (e.g. Interactive Maps and Other Graphic Representations of Data)
Give the name of the researching organization followed by the date. In brackets, provide a brief explanation of what type of data is there and in what form it appears. Finally, provide the project name and retrieval information.
Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment. (2007). [Graph illustration the SORCE Spectral Plot May 8, 2008]. Solar Spectral Data Access from the SIM, SOLSTICE, and XPS Instruments. Retrieved from page=input_data_for_ spectra.ion
Qualitative Data and Online Interviews
If an interview is not retrievable in audio or print form, cite the interview only in the text (not in the reference list) and provide the month, day, and year in the text. If an audio file or transcript is available online, use the following model, specifying the medium in brackets (e.g. [Interview transcript, Interview audio file]):
Butler, C. (Interviewer) & Stevenson, R. (Interviewee). (1999). Oral History 2 [Interview transcript]. Retrieved from Johnson Space Center Oral Histories Project Web site: http://
Footnote cannot be used as a reference. The footnote should be used only for information broadening that may distract reading continuity if included in a text. The footnote should be typed single-spaced and numerically numbered with an Arabic superscript numeric. The footnote should be placed at the end of the text.