Guidelines for Author
Reviewing Process
The Journal of Informatics Development (JID) manuscripts are screened initially by the Editors. Only those papers that meet the scientific and editorial standards, and fit within the aims and scope of the Journal of Informatics Development (JID), will be sent for full blind peer review. Papers for full review will be sent to at least two expert referees. The Journal of Informatics Development (JID) adheres to a rigorous blind reviewing policy, in which the identity of both the reviewers and author(s) are always concealed from both parties. Based on the review recommendations the paper should be accepted, revised or rejected.
Author Identification Page
The first page of the manuscript must contain the following information:
Title of the manuscript: Concise and informative, written in English with an initial capital. The remaining words must be lowercase letters, except the exact name. Avoid abbreviations and formulas if possible.
Author's name and affiliation: list the full names of the authors in the order that appears on the manuscript. The author's name must be complete (SURNAME NAME) with no colons or semicolons and if the author wants a script between the two surnames. Under the full name of each author, the full international contact details must contain the name of the Institution where the author is located (university, institute, company), faculty or/and department, address, country, e-mail, and telephone number.
Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript texts are written in English. Manuscripts will be first reviewed by editorial boards. The main text of a manuscript must be submitted as a Word document (.doc). The manuscript consists of 6000 words (minimum), well-typed in a single column on A4 size paper, uses 11 pt of Bookman Old Style. The manuscript contains an original work and has potentially contributed to the highly scientific advancement.
Article Writing Techniques:
Articles are written using scientific language.
Taping margins are; left margin: 2 (two) centimeters; top margin: 2 (two) centimeters; right margin: 2 (two) centimeters; and the bottom margin: 2 (two) centimeters.
All tables, figures, or transcripts are included in the body of the article. Not allowed to give attachments.
Tables and figures must be given a title and number, while the source of the tables and figures are clearly and explicitly stated. The table title is typed from the left margin, while the image title is typed in the middle. Tables and figures should be in bold type. Source tables and figures must be placed below the tables and figures, typed from the left margin.
The manuscript should contain the following section in this order:
- Title
Title of articles in English should describe the main content of manuscripts, be informative, concise, and not too wordy (12-15 words only), Font 12 pt and do not contain formulas. - The author’s name
Full name without academic degrees and titles (Dr., Prof., dll), written in capital letters. Manuscript written by groups needs to supplemented by complete contact details. - Name of affiliation for each author
The author's name should be accompanied by a complete affiliation, address, postal code number, and email address. - Abstract
Briefly written in English in one paragraph 150-200 words, 11 pt and 1 space, contains the background, research objectives, methodology, research results. - Keywords
Written in English 3-5 words or groups of words, written alphabetically after that written with the JEL Classification. - Introduction
Explain the research background, research problem, state of the art, the literature review related to the research that needs to be developed, explaining the variables and end with brief research purposes. The state of the art of research reflects new issues (novelty) in the research conducted. The introductory proportion consists of 6-7 paragraphs and no more than 1,500 words. - Methods
Research methods describe the design of a study (objectives and research variables), research targets (population, sample and data collection techniques), research models, research development and data analysis techniques. The research hypothesis must be stated implicitly. - Results and Discussion
Findings and discussion provide data analysis with respect to research questions. It is recommended to use tables, graphs, or diagrams that provide an explanation of the results of the study. Research discussions explain the results of the research data without including in the text of the research results but rather explain the importance of the research findings. The results of the study aim to be able to overcome the research problem, objectives and research hypotheses so that the research discussion can focus on research findings that occur implicitly. - Conclusion
The conclusions of the study are based on the findings and discussions that have been discussed. The substance of the conclusions is based on research findings, problem formulation, research objectives and research contributions without numerical and is presented in one paragraph. - References
The reference writing style uses APA (American Psychological Association). It is recommended, the script is written using the Mendeley application, Endnote / Zotero. References used are at least 80% in the form of research articles in journals and proceedings published in the last 10 years, and 20% of references can be quoted from Research Reports, theses and dissertations.
Technic References:
The article writing techniques are divided into 2, namely:
Writing in the article text is:
With 1 author, Rusdan (2018)
With 2 authors, (Hapsari & Manurung, 2019)
With 3 authors, (Manurung, Hardika, Mulyati, 2018)
With 4 or more authors, (Manurung, et al, 2019); Saputra et al (2019)
Citations of more than 1 according to the order of the year (Rusdan, 2017; Saputra et al., 2018; Manurung et al., 2019)
Reference Writing in the article are:
Ballou, B., Casey, R. J., Grenier, J. H., & Heitger, D. L. (2012). Exploring the strategic integration of sustainability initiatives: Opportunities for accounting research. Accounting Horizons.
Lucyanda, J., and GraciaPrilia Siagian, Lady. (2012). The Influence of Company Characteristics Toward Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure. The 2012 International Conference on Business and Management (pp. 601–619). Phuket, Thailand.
Kamayanti, A. (2016). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Akuntansi: Pengantar Religiositas Keilmuaan. Jakarta. Yayasan Rumah Peneleh.
Verina S. 2011. Perubahan pola asuh masyarakat Bogor (Skripsi). Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.