
Sorry for the late confirmation. Starting from Vol 9, No. 1 of 2019, Wiga: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ekonomi, replacing journal covers.

  • Announcement of the Guidelines


    For the sake of improving the quality of the journal Indtitut Teknologi dan Bisnis Widya Gama Lumajang.
    In 2020, some changes in the journals, as follows:
    1. Changes in the appearance of the OJS Journal both in terms of color and logo on the cover;
    2. Changes to the appearance in "Journal Detail";
    3. Changes to aims and scope;
    4. The addition of international indexing and is in the process of reviewing DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals);
    6. Articles submitted must be in English;
    7. Similarity below 25%;

    Read more about Announcement of the Guidelines