Kajian Psikolinguistik Pada Proposisi Citra Merek


  • Anisatul Fauziah STIE Widya Gama Lumajang




Study Psycholinguistics, Proposition, Brand Image


This study aims to examine or analyze the proposition  on the brand image of noodles and meatballs   in   lumajang based   on   psycholinguistic   review.   Research   on   language proposition  on  brand  image  using  qualitative  research type and  designed  using  case study design. The relationship between the arguments  and predictions  that emerged in the research data  showed varied  languages. The contents  of the proposition  on the brand image of "bakso beranak", "mie nyonyor" and demon noodles show a logical and detailed relationship between  each  argument  and  predication. The content  of the brand  image proposition  "baksojudes"  does not indicate the relation  of argument  and predication. The interproposition   relationship   of   "bakso   beranak"   shows   the   description    of   the presentation. The interproposition relationship of "bakso judes", "mie nyonyor", and "mie iblis"  shows descriptions  of taste.  The uniqueness  of the proposition's contents  on the "meatballs  beranak" shows the description  of the packaging  and  form of presentation. The uniqueness  of the proposition's content on "bakso judes", "mie nyonyor ", and "mie iblis"   shows   a   flavor description, so that the brand can attract consumers.


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How to Cite

Fauziah, A. (2018). Kajian Psikolinguistik Pada Proposisi Citra Merek. Wiga : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ekonomi, 7(2), 132–142. https://doi.org/10.30741/wiga.v7i2.341